
How to Create an InKind Page for Someone with an Illness

Give InKind’s support pages offer assistance to those wanting to know how to be helpful to a loved one in a time of need. Here, we consider how to set up an InKind page for someone who is experiencing a medical event or illness.

Getting Started

If a family or individual you know is ill and and need of extra support, giving their friends and family some specific ways to provide necessary support is a gift to be shared. Begin by considering the basics. What is most necessary? (The needs will vary according to the unique situation of your recipient.) As always, begin with loving expressions of support. Then, try to get clarity about what kinds of things are likely to be most helpful.

Care Calendar

Use the Care Calendar to add as many actionable items that are needed to help provide care that you or loved one might need while confronted by illness. Consider things like meal or grocery needs, transportation, supportive care for children if applicable, and even home alterations that may need to occur. 

  • Food: Meals and groceries are often the first items to be claimed on any calendar. Providing food to families is immensely helpful. It is one thing off their literal and metaphorical plate. Think about setting up a Gift Card Train that includes options for takeout so that family and friends have flexibility as to how and when they use them. Groceries to fill up a pantry can be an immense relief to a family on a budget. 
  • Childcare: (If applicable) If there are children at home, providing for their care is critical.  Children are most comfortable with adults they know well, so consider whether you are well-placed to offer this service.
  • Adult/Senior Care: If a recipient is a caregiver to an aging parent, make sure to consider the needs of the aging parent. Errands will be important, as will rides to medical appointments, places of worship, and so on. 
  • Pet Care: (If applicable) Are there pets to care for? It may be helpful to make arrangements for necessary dog walks, feedings, or pet-sitting. Is there a need to foster pets? Go ahead and list this need in updates or the Care Calendar if it may be a need that lasts longer than a few days. 
  • Home Services: Use this category for any home services that they may feel like too much. Housekeeping? Laundry? Repair?
  • Transportation: Is transportation an issue? Are they able to drive during this time of illness?  If one car must be shared this creates logistical challenges. Can someone provide a ride? Or, can someone purchase an Uber card?
  • Other: “Other" is the ultimate catch-all category. This is a great way to create opportunities for connection. This is a good time to consider the things they find comforting. Zoom calls? Hulu? Streaming parties? If there are particular challenges that need to be systematically addressed, this is a good way to ensure that they don’t fall between the cracks. 


People will have different financial circumstances and a healthcare crisis can put a strain on any wallet. If there is such a need, simply enable the fundraising button on your InKind page and connect your PayPal and/or GoFundMe account.


The Give InKind Wishlist is another opportunity for others to meaningfully support a person in need of a little extra help. Browse Give InKind’s curated list for suggested items that could help in their unique situation. In addition to take-out, you can include other more non-traditional gift cards as well. When you see an item that could be helpful, use the “+" icon to add to their Wishlist. 

You may also add an existing Amazon Wishlist to your InKind page.

Communication Preferences

Use Give InKind’s do-not-disturb section to let others know about the recipient’s communication preferences. Keep in mind that these preferences can be easily adjusted as the situation changes.

  • Phone Calls: Does the recipient want to communicate with others? If so, what is the best way for others to reach out – a phone call or text? Many people appreciate expressions of support even if they can’t respond immediately. 
  • Visitors: Does the recipient want visitors? The usefulness of this will depend upon the situation of your recipient, so consider whether it is reasonable in context. 
  • Flowers: Is the recipient open to receiving flowers? It’s such a nice thought – feel free to ask. (Although in an emergent situation, flowers may not always be the most useful.)


People care – and want to hear how you are doing. The personal update section allows a designated page manager to keep family and friends up to date or for the recipient to “blog" or “journal" their experience. 

Create your Give InKind Support Page here.

If you have any further questions, visit Give InKind’s Help Center or view our helpful articles about how to Support a Recipient in Need of Ongoing Support.

Give InKind does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. We have an affiliate relationship with many of the advertisers on our site, and may receive a commission from any products purchased from links in this article. See Terms & Conditions.

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